to the website of the primary school Auf der Lieth in Paderborn!


On our website, you will find information about our wide range of activities, events, and projects. We aim to promote a close connection between school and home and also offer open all-day school and care options for students.


We invite you to explore our website and learn more about our primary school Auf der Lieth. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.


We look forward to welcoming you and your child!

Your team at the primary school Auf der Lieth


Form 1 and 3


Where to find us


Grundschule Auf der Lieth

Peckelsheimer Weg 24

33100 Paderborn

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Sick notes: Via the school app SDUI.

In exceptional cases, through the school office at 05251 / 881-4650

Contact information


Phone number: 05251 / 881-4650

Office hours

Monday - Friday

 07:30 Uhr - 13:00 Uhr

Contact information for OGS/BGS

Mrs. Heggemann and Mrs. Meyer: 

OGS management, Mrs. Petra Schreiber: 

Phone number: 0170-2474042 

Teacher office hours

Teacher office hours The times for teacher office hours can be found here.

Contact form

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